Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) is Queensland Government’s land use planning and property development agency.
In 2024, EDQ was preparing to undergo changes to its corporate structure, purpose and powers under a new Strengthened EDQ model and required a communications strategy to support bringing its new value proposition to the market in a relevant and targeted way.
EDQ engaged BBS to create a ‘Strengthening EDQ Communications Strategy’, which would achieve the organisation’s strategic objectives. The strategy outlined communications phases, key messaging, risks and opportunities, tactics and implementation timeline. BBS provided strategic advice and support – identifying and segmenting stakeholder groups across Queensland, determining sentiment and potential issues and specifying the strategic approach EDQ should take with each group.
BBS also co-designed a communications program, for internal implementation, that built an understanding of the purpose and credibility of a Strengthened EDQ.
Multiple detailed fact sheets were developed as a core communication tool to ensure various stakeholders could understand the reason for and detail of changes to EDQ’s operating model. BBS developed key messaging that maintained a clear and recognisable tone-of-voice and that could be integrated repeatedly across a range of channels and engagement opportunities.