In 2013, the Queensland Government introduced legislative changes to the laws governing WorkCover Queensland, the statutory body providing workers’ compensation to the state’s employees. The government was met with vocal opposition from a coalition of unions and lawyers.
The Department of Justice & Attorney General hired BBS to conduct a communications campaign aimed at explaining the benefits of the government’s changes to the community and groups opposing the measures.
In a very short timeframe, one month, BBS developed a comprehensive strategy and delivered a campaign that focused on both education and persuasion. Every major Queensland employer association was contacted and given timely, relevant collateral to pass on to their members
Consequently, there was a significant reduction of negative media and the Department was successful in introducing its proposed legislative changes
All collateral directed back to the website produced specifically as a public education tool, enabling the Department to communicate a set of clear, simple, approved messages. The fact sheets and frequently asked questions found on the website were produced within a style guide developed by BBS and approved by the department
Without engaging directly with the media, or on social media, the campaign was able to influence the conversation, by using simple social media techniques, and engaging supporters to voice their support for the changes