Change is an inevitable part of life, and this extends to the workplace. Every organisation eventually encounters change, big or small.
The term ‘change management’ covers all approaches made to help prepare and support individuals, teams, and organisations through change. With only 43% of employees sharing that their organisation is good at managing change (WTW,2024), it is no secret that successful change management is no easy feat.
Here some are top tips to help you and your organisation through the process.
Have a clear goal
A successful change initiative starts with a clear and well-defined goal. Make the ‘why’ clear before you share the ‘how.’ Understand what you want to achieve with the change and ensure that everyone in the organisation is aware of this objective. Clear goals provide direction and purpose, helping to align the efforts of all team members.
Unite the team
Similarly, unite your organisation by fostering a sense of shared purpose. When employees understand how the change aligns with their organisation’s overall mission and vision, they are more likely to support and embrace it. Building a united front can significantly ease the transition process.
Recognise employees and their feelings
According to Oak Engage’s Change Report for 2023, 74 per cent of employees think leaders need to do more to understand why people resist change. One of the most crucial aspects of navigating change is recognising that change can generate many emotions. Your team may feel a range of things, from excitement to anxiety or uncertainty. Recognising these emotions, seeking to understand why they have emerged, and addressing them with empathy is key to a smooth transition.
Effective communication is key
Keep communication regular and honest. If you are trying to instil behavioural change for example, audiences need to hear change- based messaging multiple times. This does not mean repeating the exact same messaging in the same way each time. Use different platforms and formats to keep the message fresh and engaging. Do not wait until every detail is known to share news, because often it is too late to really drill into these messages. If you do not know something yet, that is fine. Explain what you do know, that you are managing the change and further information will be coming.
Keep a feedback loop open
An open feedback loop is essential during times of change. 27 per cent of employees say their employer has rarely or never asked for feedback or input on changes implemented during the pandemic (Capterra, 2022). Encourage employees to share their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions. This not only helps you address potential issues early on, but also ensures employees feel valued and heard. Regular feedback can provide insights into how the change is being received and what adjustments might be necessary.
Target your audience
Even though your audience may all work in the same organisation or team, it does not mean they all think – or want to receive information in – the same way. Tailor your messages to different groups within your organisation to ensure it is relevant and resonates with them. Consider the unique perspectives and needs of each department or team.
Navigating change in your organisation, while a big task, does not need to be daunting. With the right strategies and support, BBS can help you lead your organisation or team through transitions smoothly and effectively. For more information on how we can help your organisation manage change, get in touch today.