Tips for navigating change in your organisation
Change is an inevitable part of life, and this extends to the workplace. Every organisation eventually encounters change, big or
Fear and mistrust could stifle Australian innovation – 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer
A growing sense of mistrust is putting Australian innovation at jeopardy, as fear levels exacerbate scepticism of how technological advancement
Internal communications in the COVID era
As we plan, adapt and behave accordingly in this new Covid era, our internal communications and engagement needs to follow
Customers have a stake in your change process too
Change happens. And this year the pace of change hit warp speed. If anything, change has been our one constant.
Communicating a ‘new normal’
Working from home, virtual meetings and social isolation. Restructures, job losses, and salary cuts. This year arrived and upended the
When the Going Gets Tough…
In the words of the Billy Ocean song, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. That’s exactly what
Communicating change: this time it’s personal
Managing organisational change continues to be one of the biggest challenges for any business, with ineffective communication often named as
The challenge of communicating change
Whether it’s mergers, restructures, acquisitions or redundancies, communication is critical for businesses during times of change. While change can create