
35 Years of Vision and Innovation

35 Years of Vision and Innovation

As we celebrate a remarkable 35-year journey at BBS Communications Group, I find myself reflecting on the pivotal moments that shaped us.

BBS was one of many new Queensland companies to spring from the economic and innovation catalyst provided by Expo 88, and this powerful catalyst is again being presented to our city and state with the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games and the impact that can have, well beyond sport. 

In the beginning, I started with a $50,000 loan from the bank, just enough to cover wages and rent. It was a leap of faith, but it was driven by a vision to create something impactful. BBS has always been about growth, resilience, and foresight. In 1988, Brisbane was a burgeoning hub on the cusp of transformation, much like the young company I founded. We aimed to craft impactful narratives, foster deep connections, and develop lasting relationships based on trust and mutual respect—principles that have guided us through more than three decades of change and innovation. 

Expo 88 was more than just a global event for us; it was a profound understanding of the power of communication that resonates globally. The challenges were daunting in those early days, yet the possibilities seemed limitless. It’s still hard to believe what began as a small consultancy has blossomed into a leader in strategic communications. But we weren’t alone! The Expo helped launch businesses like The Coffee Club, Vincents, Wagners, Lorna Jane, South Bank Corporation, Royal Foods, and QCoal, to name a few. 

Like the other companies born in the years following the Expo, our journey has been intertwined with Brisbane’s evolution. As the city grew, so did BBS, adapting to the expanding needs of our clients, the community at large, and the broader market. We have been privileged to work alongside organisations shaping sectors as diverse as healthcare, education, professional services, and infrastructure, contributing to projects that shaped lives and redefined our city. 

Reflecting on those early days, it was a golden age for Brisbane and one that will come to fruition again with the upcoming Olympics. Much like the staff we took on during Expo 88, the Olympics will give people across many industries a chance to shine and demonstrate their innovations and dedication. I’ve always believed in longevity and tackling things slowly and steadily. We deliberately kept BBS small to fit our management style, get to know our staff, and encourage them to reach their full potential.  

To that effect, BBS has always been about more than just business success; we believe in cultivating an industry and mentoring the next generation of leaders. Our company has been a wonderful training ground, allowing people to do their best and find their way to shine without conforming to stereotypical work methods. We learned early on from Expo 88 that if you step up, take the initiative, and apply yourself, you can achieve anything, and that, too, is very much of the story of Brisbane.  

As Brisbane stands on the precipice of another global event, I see a reflection of the early days at Expo. Just as then, Brisbane is poised to leverage this global spectacle to showcase our expertise and our city’s unparalleled potential. More than just a sporting event, Brisbane 2032 is a catalyst for innovation and growth, offering local businesses and the individuals within them the chance to shine on the world stage. 

What continues to make Brisbane genuinely unique is its sense of community. As big as Brisbane has become and will grow to post-Olympics, it will always retain the charm and appeal of a small town. Relationships matter here! Our connections over the years have been fundamental to our success and growth. If I had one piece of advice for any prospective business, it would be to focus on relationships. For BBS, our relationships have allowed us to remain resilient and forward-thinking, ensuring we continue delivering high-quality services and stay ahead of the curve. 

Looking back on the past 35 years, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude. Just a decade ago, in my 25-year address, I said that BBS was proudly ‘Made in Brisbane’, but the world, as they say, was our oyster, and I still very much believe it. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of our story, especially Lisa Nixon, who has been with me nearly every step of the way (30 years). She’s not just BBS’s Managing Director but, more importantly, my friend, confidante, and business partner. 

Here’s to the next chapter: more stories to tell and histories to write. Let’s continue to be insightful, creative, and passionate as we strive towards Brisbane 2032. 

Jane Edwards AMExecutive Chairman 

Intern at BBS

BBS operates a University Internship Program which offers placements in line with the university semesters, plus holiday period intakes, generally June/July and December/January/ February.

We accommodate trimester students and our program is open to applicants who are pursuing an internship of their own accord outside of the standard university semester calendar.

As a BBS intern you can expect to work alongside experienced professionals on real client projects, an environment which provides an accurate picture of what life as a communications consultant is like. 

BBS interns are always considered first for our graduate roles and many of our former interns have gone on to senior roles within our firm.

Working in a consultancy is diverse, fast-paced. It’s often said that “you’ll learn more in your first year in consultancy than in your first 3 – 5 years in another role”.

To apply for a BBS Internship, please email the Intern Program Coordinators with the following:

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Join our mailing list to download our resources as well as receive regular news and insights from our team of professional communicators.

Intern at BBS

BBS operates a University Internship Program which offers placements in line with the university semesters, plus holiday period intakes, generally June/July and December/January/ February.

We accommodate trimester students and our program is open to applicants who are pursuing an internship of their own accord outside of the standard university semester calendar.

As a BBS intern you can expect to work alongside experienced professionals on real client projects, an environment which provides an accurate picture of what life as a communications consultant is like. 

BBS interns are always considered first for our graduate roles and many of our former interns have gone on to senior roles within our firm.

Working in a consultancy is diverse, fast-paced. It’s often said that “you’ll learn more in your first year in consultancy than in your first 3 – 5 years in another role”.

To apply for a BBS Internship, please email the Intern Program Coordinators with the following: